
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So hey peeps, today im talkin to you about zebas :3 zebras are related to horses, no 2 zebras have the same pattern!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Hi guys on the 22nd of March i got a 14 week old Robo hamster!She is soooooo tiny and cute and her name if Abby. 

 (P.S. please comment).

Monday, March 4, 2013

  Sorry im late but on 2nd of March i went to Monkey Forest

 This is a  grumpy  monkey sitting on a tree.
This is a Monkey Srtaring at mom's camera

This is a baby Monkey Turning its back on its Visitors.
Oh and thats One rude Monkey Look! he' sticking his bum at us!
Oooo Fiesty Monkey
Can i join?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

turtle pic



This is a sea turtle.  This picture is not mine, the credit goes to:

snow leopard



 This is a snow leopard cub this is not mine the credit goes to:


Turtles are near extinction because, well, let me start again... A turtles main diet is Jelly fish, Jelly fish or Jelly fish and floating plastic bags in water look like Jelly fish to the poor eye sighted Turtles and they get fooled and eat the plastic bags and the bags are full of trapped air which disables the creature to dive and stay under the water ;-( So the next time before you throw a plastic bag into the sea please think carefuly

Snow leopards

PLease think about Snow Leopards. There are only around 35 of the left in the wild because of: Habitat loss,Poaching,Polution and the terrible traps that can be FATAL to them. Please sponsor a Snow Leopard at this website: thank you