
Friday, November 1, 2013

ok so i know this may sound weird but this guy from st thomas more (high school) came to my school and gave us a talk about internet safety and his company is called E-safety which is basicaly meaning electronic safety. this sounds a bit lol but this is what he said: "meaning  electronic safety i dont mean im going to stop you from having electric shocks" and i was like ummm ok???... and anywayz he told us this story: a girl called beck was a unpopular 10 year old girl at school, so she but up a big sign outside her house saying her name her phone number her email and all that stuff and she went upstairs leaving the door open... (DUN DUN DUN!) then this guy saw the sign wrote down the info and went through the door to her room and he took her pic and took her secret diary. he started to chat with her on e-mail and he said he was tall, brown hair, blue eyes and 13 years old. he told her to meet up with him at   the park so she did, u dont wanna know what he did to her. but luckily she ran away and reported him to police. THE END so guys, just watch out what u give out on the internet :)
So most of you guys have dogs or bought a new dog and most of you want to know how to care for it properly so if you're stuck, here's a quick and easy guide to follow;


Walks are important to your dog, they give them exercise. leash; you should buy a strong supportive leash, harnesses are good to, I personally recommend harnesses. When you are walking with your dog, never let it eat rubbish (E.G Pepsi cans, wrappers, stickers, paper etc.) because it might lead to medical surgery and problems. (Remember to always bring treats for when they do what you want, and doggie bags for you know what) Aways provide fresh water.


For food i'd recomend pedigree dog food or wagg dog food. For clean teeth give them a fresh carrot everyday

Grooming And Washing:

Never wash your dog more than twice a month because you're stripping of special oils of its coat. Always use special nail trims are often detested by dogs and owners alike. Most dogs dislike even having their paws handled and know how much it hurts when nails are cut too short. Dog owners are often uncomfortable with the process for fear of hurting their dogs.